Monday, May 19, 2008

Final Exam 5/21

The final exam will be to write an essay on the topic of gun control.
To prepare read all the articles in T & C on the topic of gun control
and the articles distributed in class.
You will be able to choose one question from three to write on .
Possible themes include:

Does owning a gun make you safer?
Do you favor legislation to outlaw guns within city limits?
Does the second amendment protect each citizen's right to bear arms (own a gun)?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Homework for 5/14

Final draft of education essay due, with bibliography (list of sources, preferably in MLA format)
Read all gun control articles in Texts and Contexts. Find one fact and one opinion in each. and decide if the article is pro-or con or neutral on gun control and if it is biased. For MLA examples go to
(Cut and paste into your browser if needed. )

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Homework for May 7th

For next week: Rough draft of Education Essay with bibliography
Here is a link to the Ohlone College MLA guide: (cut
and Paste url into your browser)

In this guide first names are spelled out which is correct, so please do it this way.

Also final draft of Paragraph 4 (on Tan or Malcolm X) is due.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Homework for 4/30 and Paragraph 4 question

Paragraph 4 question:
(rough draft due 4/30)
Choose one:
In the article by Malcolm X, the author describes how he obtained an education in prison. Describe the effects that his education had on his life. Would you agree that education is always empowering ? Why or why not? You may use examples from your experience and knowledge if applicable.

In Amy Tan's article, the author describes various effects that her mother's unique way of talking had on her . She characterizes her mother's English as at time s "broken" and at times as"expressive." Explain how her mother's language has affected Tan, as a writer and as a person, using examples from the article. You may use your own experience and knowledge to explain what Tan means.

Other homework: Finish the adjective clause HW (see syllabus) Finish reading all education articles. Write out one fact/one opnion to turn in for each!
Find at least one source (book, article, web site) on your education topic. Bring to class.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Homework for April 23rd, Meet in Library!

Read all the Education articles. Do research preparation exercise handed out in class. (Choose your country of comparison and major ideas to focus on. Make a list of keywords for your topic. )
Read Amy Tan and Malcolm X articles in Readings Across American Cultures. Do first set of adjective clause exercises, including ones relating to the comma rule. (Do not do who/whom examples yet.) Meet at 6:30pm promptly in the Library!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Homework for next week 4/16

Rough and final draft of the advertising essay.
Noun Phrase appositive handout.
Read education articles in Texts and Contexts.
Begin thinking about which country you will use for comparison.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Homework due April 9th

Remember that there is no class on March 26th or April 2nd.
The homewoork for April 9th is:
Do the Verbal Phrase handout
Rough draft of the advertising essay
Rough draft of Paragraph 3 due:
Read "Friends, Good Friends -- Such Good Friends" By Judith Viorst p. 182-
& "Adventures of the Dread Siters" p. 218
Answer the following question in one paragraph , using examples from both articles
Describe the relationship between the "dread sisters". Then analyze their relationship using any one or more types of frienship described by Viorst in her article. (Or if none apply, explain why they don't.)

If you are doing a revision on the first essay or first paragraph it is also due April 9th. (Revisions are allowed for papers receiving less than a B- and paragraphs receiving a 3.5 or less.)