Thursday, April 24, 2008

Homework for 4/30 and Paragraph 4 question

Paragraph 4 question:
(rough draft due 4/30)
Choose one:
In the article by Malcolm X, the author describes how he obtained an education in prison. Describe the effects that his education had on his life. Would you agree that education is always empowering ? Why or why not? You may use examples from your experience and knowledge if applicable.

In Amy Tan's article, the author describes various effects that her mother's unique way of talking had on her . She characterizes her mother's English as at time s "broken" and at times as"expressive." Explain how her mother's language has affected Tan, as a writer and as a person, using examples from the article. You may use your own experience and knowledge to explain what Tan means.

Other homework: Finish the adjective clause HW (see syllabus) Finish reading all education articles. Write out one fact/one opnion to turn in for each!
Find at least one source (book, article, web site) on your education topic. Bring to class.

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